Please tell us if there is any Physical, Social, or Mental Health issues that we should be aware of.

In the event of any illness or accident, I authorise the teacher in charge to obtain on my behalf, where it is impracticable to communicate with me, such medical assistance as my child may require. I accept all operation, blood transfusions and/or anesthetic risks involved and the responsibility for payment of any expenses thus incurred. I give permission for my child to be video recorded and photographed as part of their participation in Drama Stars Academy and for any photographs/videos taken to be used in any form by Drama Stars Academy. Permission is given to pass my contact details to the Class Rep.
By submitting this form, you confirm that you agree to our terms and that your child will follow the Code of Conduct (on display at our studio-theatre). Drama Stars Academy pride themselves on having a nurturing, inclusive environment with a no bullying policy where every Star is given the chance to shine. Furthermore, no refunds are provided for missed classes. However, we may offer a ‘make up’ class, if it is taken before the end of the term pending space availability.